Sunday, February 21, 2021

Digital Project #6: Video Interview

Interview on Standardized Testing:

1.       What is the purpose of standardized testing?  Do you think they work?


2.       It has been determined that students take an average of 112 standardized tests from the time they enter Pre-K until they graduate from 12th grade.    Do you think we test the students too much?


3.       Does the time used to prep students for standardized tests take away from your mandated curriculum?


4.       Do you think that the tests do more harm then good?  And why?


Interview on Virtual Learning:

1.       What do you like about virtual learning?

“It’s a shorter time.  I don’t have class as long.”


2.       What do you miss not attending classes in person?

“My friends.  And participating in class and writing on the board.”

3.       Do you feel that you’re learning more or less with virtual learning?  Why?

“I think more.  There’s more independent work so there’s not a lot of talking to bother you.”


4.       Do you think it’s harder or easier to ask the teacher for help?

“It’s easier, because you can hit the button on the screen “raise your hand.”  I don’t have to raise my hand and he (the teacher) doesn’t have to look around.  He can see it on the screen.”


5.       If you could change one thing about virtual learning, what would it be?

Nothing.  I wouldn’t change anything.  It’s fine the way it is. it is. 

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