Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Discussion Forum #6: The Student as Global Communicator and Collaborator


Opportunities that I can imagine for helping students to engage with authentic audiences around the world, may include having students share folktales with one another or discuss the similarities and differences of folktales from each other’s cultures.  I know that students do discuss and read folktales from other cultures while in elementary school.  For the younger set, students can share and learn about the different games played around the world.  Social studies can also offer opportunities to explore and learn from others globally.  Perhaps, students could interview scientists or astronauts who are in space, which could be intertwined with a science lesson.

I believe that the assignments that challenge students to partner with students globally are more motivating than teacher assigned grades because it offers students a sense of purpose.  They may be teaching or helping others outside the classroom.  Students may feel that what they are doing or contributing is beneficial and that it’s important or it matters.  Students are more concerned with making sure what they’re working on is correct because it’s not just for a grade it’s for a higher purpose.  Plus, their peers will be watching them, especially their peers on the other side of the world.

From what we’ve read, barriers that educators can anticipate in guiding students in the role of global communicator and collaborator can come from within, the ability or fear to let go of some of the control and put it in the hands of the students.  Another barrier may come from some student’s reluctance to participate.

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